Support & Site Maintenance

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Your website may be your shop window, your service brochure, your digital platform for recuiting, teaching, sharing information or informing your visitors of important news.
Whatever your industry your website is both an investiment and a tool to help your business grow and as such it's important that the nuts and bolts of the site are kept up to date and your content is relevant and fresh.

The level of maintenance required to do this very much depends on the complexity of the site, the amount of content that will be changed, and how frequently this will occur, amongst other things.

With this in mind I offer a number of site support options begining with ad-hoc updates for sites that require very minimal and occasional backend or content work, to ongoing support packages for sites that require more regular content updates and site maintenance. These packages range from rolling monthly to fixed term contracts of either three or twelve months which are more cost effective in the long term.

For websites built on Wordpress clients also have the option of updating the site content themselves if they are comfortable in doing so, and if required I can also provide training on how to do this.

So whichever camp you fall into I can help, either as a helping hand to enable you to focus on other tasks and growing your business, or to show you how to look after your site yourself and utilise your budget elsewhere.

The packages I currently offer are shown below, and you can subscribe to a service simply by clicking the respective button for your chosen support solution.

If you're unsure as to which package would suit you please feel free to book a chat or drop me a line with your requirements and I'd be happy to discuss and advise on the most suitable solution for your site and budget.

Occasional Support

Content Updates - £35 per hour ad-hoc
Website Maintenance - £25 ad-hoc

Regular Support - Rolling monthly or quarterly and annual plans

Monthly Website Maintenance - £20 per month

Includes: WP Core & Plugin Updates only.

Perfect for simple sites that have very few content changes made to them and only require system upgrades and maintenance.

Basic Monthly Content Updates - From £28 to £30 per month

Includes: Up to 1 hour over the month. Content Updates only.

For simple sites that require small regular updates, such as addition of occasional seasonal notices, images or news but no site maintenance.

Regular Monthly Website Maintenance & Content Updates - From £45 to £48 per month

Includes: Up to 1 hour content updates over the month, as well as WP Core & Plugin Updates.

For simple sites that require small semi regular updates, such as addition of occasional seasonal notices, images or news as well as site maintenance.

Frequent Support - Rolling monthly or quarterly and annual plans

For sites that require more regular updates, such as a frequent promotional changes, multiple news updates or blog posts, with or without site maintenance.

Monthly Frequent Content Updates - From £50 to £55 per month

Includes: Up to 2 hours over the month. Content Updates only.

For sites that require regular updates, such as addition of frequent promotional changes, images or news but no site maintenance.

Monthly Website Maintenance & Frequent Content Updates - From £65 to £68 per month

Includes: Up to 2 hours of content updates over the month as well as WP Core & Plugin Updates.

For sites that require more regular updates, such as a frequent promotional changes, multiple news updates or blog posts including ongoing site maintenance.

Personalised Wordpress Training - from £50 - £55 per hour

Learn how to update and maintain your Wordpress website, specific to your requirements.
Basic 1 hour session and Advanced 2 hour sessions available.

Hourly Charges

There is a minimum one hour charge of £35 for any type of ad-hoc site update outside of a monthly plan, however, the time spent on your site will accrue over a calendar month which means any time up to an hour you will be charged the full £35 but anytime over the hour is charged by the quarter hour.

If you are on a monthly plan and your updates repeatedly go over the time covered in your plan you may be charged by the quarter hour for any extra time spent on the work at the hourly rate of your plan or be advised to go to a higher tier.
Unused hours from one month do not roll over to the next.


Agreed monthly maintenance or content update contracts are charged in advance, either via invoice or via Direct Debit through GoCardless.

Invoices are sent at the end of the month before or beginning of the month that the services relate to.
If you have signed up for Direct debit via GoCardless then the begining of your billing term will be the date you sign up.
Monthly, three month and twelve month payment contracts are available, with payments made monthly.

Ad-hoc Content updates outside of a contract will be either invoiced once completed or at the end of the month to which the services were provided, so January would be charged in February for example.

All invoices are due within 7 days of issue.
If payment is not made within this time then work will cease until the amount due is paid.
Continued failure to pay will result in recovery action being taken.